2022 IAC/ASC Joint Meeting Symposia Package
This package includes all 13 of the Symposia that where presented during the 2022 IAC/ASC Joint Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
- Symposia 1 - The WHO System for Reporting Lung Cytopathology: The Rationale, Structure Categories and Application
- Symposia 2 - Case-Based Slide Seminar Demonstrating the Practical Application of the 2022 WHO System for Reporting Lung Cytopathology
- Symposia 3 - The WHO System for Reporting Pancreaticobiliary Cytopathology: The Rationale, Structure, Categories and Application
- Symposia 4 - Quest for Perfection: Updating ‘The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology’ (TBSRTC)
- Symposia 5 - Beyond All Limits: Challenging Cases in Thyroid Cytopathology
- Symposia 6 - The WHO System for Reporting Soft Tissue Cytopathology: The Rationale, Structure, Categories and Application in Routine Reporting
- Symposia 7 - Case-Based Slide Seminar Demonstrating the Practical Application of the WHO System for Reporting Soft Tissue Cytopathology
- Symposia 8 - Application of the WHO Reporting System for Pancreaticobiliary Cytology
- Symposia 9 - Perplexed By Paris? We Have Answers! Updates on The Paris System for Reporting Urinary Cytology
- Symposia 10 - The WHO System for Reporting Lymph Node and Spleen Cytopathology: Rationale, Structure, Categories and Application
- Symposia 11 - WHO System for Reporting Lymph Node and Spleen Cytopathology Slide Seminar
- Symposia 12 - Resolving Problematic Cases of Serous Fluid Cytopathology by Applying The International System (TIS)
- Symposia 13 - Practical Considerations in the Application of The International System (TIS) for Reporting Serous Fluid Cytopathology
Target Audience
This educational activity is designed for pathologists, cytopathologists, cytotechnologists, students and other members of the cytopathology community.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the rational, structure, categories and application of the new WHO System for Reporting
- Recognize and proficiently diagnose difficult entities in cytopathology
- Know how to apply reporting systems to routine reporting cytopathology
Mousa Al-Abbadi, MD, FCAP, FIAC Tatjana Antic, MD Manon Auger, MD FRCP(C) Zubair Baloch, MD, PhD Lukas Bubendorf, MD, MIAC Guoping Cai, MD Mariarita Calaminici, MD. PhD Fabiano Callegari, MD Barbara Centeno, MD Ashish Chandra, MD FRCPath DipRCPath (Cytol) Edmund Cibas, MD Beatrix Cochand Priollet, MD Rubina Cocker, MD Immacolata Cozzolino, MD, PhD Ian Cree, MBSc, MBChB, PhD, FRCPath Barbara Crothers, DO Leslie Dodd, MD Henryk Domanski, MD, PhD, MIAC Mats Ehinger, MD PhD Tarik Elsheikh, MD Marianne Engels, MD, FIAC Andrew Field, MB BS(Hons) FRCPA FIAC DipCytopath(RCPA) Abha Goyal, MD Rosario Granados, MD, PhD, FIAC Kenzo Hiroshima, MD Raza Hoda, MD Vickie Jo, MD Ruth Katz, MD Ivana Kholova, MD, PhD Jerzy Klijanienko, MD, PhD, MIAC Jeffrey Krane, MD PhD Daniel Kurtycz, MD Lester Layfield, MD Oscar Lin, MD, PhD Maria Lozano, MD, PhD, MIAC | Zahra Maleki, MD Claire Michael, MD Panagiota Mikou, MD, MSc, PhD, FIAC Sara Monaco, MD Michiya Nishino, MD, PhD Liron Pantanowitz, MD Martha Pitman, MD Marc Pusztaszeri, MD Xiaohua Qian, MD Wendy Raymond, MBBS, MD, FIAC Michelle Reid, MD, MS Bharat Rekhi, MD, DNB, MIAC, FRCPATH Dorothy Rosenthal, MD Sinchita Roy Chowdhuri, MD, PhD Donna Russell, MEd, CT(ASCP)HT, CFIAC Mauro Saieg, MD, PhD, FIAC Yukitoshi Sato, PhD Fernando Schmitt, MD, PhD, FIAC Momin Siddiqui, MD Carlie Sigel, MD Jan Silverman, MD Dong Eun Song, MD, PhD Edward Stelow, MD Lisa Teot, MD Christopher VandenBussche, MD PhD Paul VanderLaan, MD, PhD Philippe Vielh, MD PhD FIAC Elena Vigliar, MD, PhD Poonam Vohra, MD Eva Wojcik, MD Jack Yang, MD Maureen Zakowski, MD, JD Matthew Zarka, MD Pio Zeppa, MD PhD |
The faculty, committee members, Executive Board and staff who are in position to control the content of this activity are required to disclose to the ASC and to learners any financial relationships that have occurred within the last 24 months with ineligible companies whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients. The ASC has reviewed the disclosures and mitigated all relevant financial relationships.
The following individuals have reported financial relationships:
Michael Berry, SCT(ASCP)MBCM: Stockholder-Hologic
Lukas Bubendorf, MD, MIAC: Advisory Board - Astra Zeneca, Bayer, Eli Lilly, BMS, Takeda; Research Support - Sanofi, Systems Oncology, Thermo Fisher; Speaker's Fee - Thermo Fisher; Consultant – Systems Oncology, Janssen
Ruth Katz, MD: Research Support - Cynvenio
Jeffrey Krane, MD, PhD: Consultant - Hamamatsu Photonics
Oscar Lin, MD, PhD: Consultant – Hologic and Jansen
Liron Pantanowitz, MD: Consultant – Hamamatsu, Advisory Board for Ibex
Martha B. Pitman, MD, FIAC: Consultant – Adenocyte, LLC
Donna K. Russell, MEd, CT(ASCP), HT(ASCP): Advisory Board – Hologic Scientific
Christopher J. VandenBussche, MD, PhD: Ad hoc advisory board panel and Consultant – Roche
Paul VanderLaan, MD, PhD: Consultant – Gala Therapeutics
The following individuals have reported no relevant financial relationships:
Susan A. Alperstein, MS, CT(ASCP), Kristen A. Atkins, MD, Zubair, Baloch, MD, PhD, Guliz A. Barkan, MD, Christine N. Booth, MD, Leigh Ann Cahill, BS, CT(ASCP)CMIAC, Barbara A. Centeno, MD, Deborah J. Chute, MD, Amy C. Clayton, MD, Jacqueline M. Cuda, BS, SCT(ASCP), Fang Fan, MD, PhD, Kara L. Hansing, MEd, SCT(ASCP)CM, Aparna M Mahajan MD, Sara E. Monaco, MD, Michiya Nishino MD, PhD, N. Paul Ohori MD, Lynnette S. Pineault, MBA, SCT(ASCP), Sinchita Roy-Chowdhuri, MD, PhD, Momin T. Siddiqui, MD, FIAC, Z. Laura Tabatabai, MD, Sana O. Tabbara, MD, Michael J. Thrall, MD, Dena M. Tonkovich, BS, CT(ASCP), Dawn L. Underwood, MS, CT(ASCP), Vivian L. Weiss, MD, PhD, Teresa Wood, MPH, BA, CT(ASCP), Lisa Zhang, MD, Mousa Al-Abbadi, MD, FCAP, FIAC, Tatjana Antic, MD, Manon Auger, MD FRCP(C), Guoping Cai, MD, Mariarita Calaminici, MD, PhD, Fabiano Callegari, MD, Ashish Chandra, MD FRCPath DipRCPath (Cytol), Edmund Cibas, MD, Beatrix Cochand Priollet, MD, Rubina Cocker, MD, Immacolata Cozzolino, MD, PhD, Ian Cree, MBSc, MBChB, PhD, FRCPath, Barbara Crothers, DO, Leslie Dodd, MD, Henryk Domanski, MD, PhD, MIAC, Mats Ehinger, MD, PhD, Tarik Elsheikh, MD, Marianne Engels, MD, FIAC, Andrew Field, MB BS(Hons), FRCPA, FIAC DipCytopath(RCPA), Abha Goyal, MD, Rosario Granados, MD, PhD, FIAC, Kenzo Hiroshima, MD, Raza Hoda, MD, Vickie Jo, MD, Ivana Kholova, MD, PhD, Jerzy Klijanienko, MD, PhD, MIAC, Daniel Kurtycz, MD, Lester Layfield, MD, Maria Lozano, MD, PhD, MIAC, Zahra Maleki, MD, Claire Michael, MD, Panagiota Mikou, MD, MSc, PhD, FIAC, Marc Pusztaszeri, MD, Xiaohua Qian, MD, Wendy Raymond, MBBS, MD, FIAC, Michelle Reid, MD, MS, Bharat Rekhi, MD, DNB, MIAC, FRCPATH, Dorothy Rosenthal, MD, Mauro Saieg, MD, PhD, FIAC, Yukitoshi Sato, PhD, Fernando Schmitt, MD, PhD, FIAC, Carlie Sigel, MD, Jan Silverman, MD, Dong Eun Song, MD, PhD, Edward Stelow, MD, Lisa Teot, MD, Philippe Vielh, MD PhD FIAC, Elena Vigliar, MD, PhD, Poonam Vohra, MD, Eva Wojcik, MD, Jack Yang, MD, Maureen Zakowski, MD, JD, Matthew Zarka, MD, Pio Zeppa, MD, PhD
The ASC staff associated with the development of content for this activity reported no relevant financial relationships.
Continuing Medical Education (CME) Statement
The American Society of Cytopathology is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The American Society of Cytopathology designates this enduring educational activity for a maximum of 24.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
American Board of Pathology Maintenance of Certification (CC)
This product can help fulfill the CME requirements mandated by the American Board of Pathology Continuing Certification (CC) process. Earn up to 24.5 Credit Hours.
Continuing Medical Laboratory Education (CMLE)
The ASC designates this activity for a maximum of 24.5 Continuing Medical Laboratory Education (CMLE) credit hours for non-physicians. The CMLE credit hours meet the continuing education requirements for the ASCP Board of Registry Certification Maintenance Program. Participants should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Cytotechnologists with Licenses in Florida and California
This program is approved for 24.5 continuing education credits in the States of Florida and California. The credit on each link is good for three years from the live presentation date.
Available Credit
- 24.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
- 24.50 California Credits
- 24.50 CMLE
- 24.50 Florida Credits
- 24.50 Participant