An 80-year-old male presented with shoulder pain and a 7 cm right renal mass showing enhancement on a CT scan with contrast and FDG-avidity on PET scan. Prior FNA of the renal mass was non-diagnostic. The patient was then found to have a 3.5 cm FDG-avid, expansile, lytic lesion of the right scapula and was referred for a biopsy. Thus, a CT-guided FNA of a right scapular bone lesion was performed. Aspirate smears showed loosely cohesive clusters of epithelioid tumor cells with increased nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratios and vacuolated cytoplasm with discrete “punched out” vacuoles. [Images 1-2] The cell block showed similar tumor cells with clear cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei. [Images 3-4] On the periphery of the cell block, was another group of neoplastic cells with more eosinophilic cytoplasm, cohesion, and a lymphoid infiltrate. [Images 5-6]